A unique and deeply healing experience in uncovering your authentic happiness, health and self actualization.
A powerful resource for strengthening relationships, healing and finding balance and harmony together.
A collective empowering group gathering in person or online that supports deep healing and deep connections.
Our unconscious mind directs our life.
We cannot solve problems we cannot identify. Most often we are functioning from our unconscious self without even realizing it. About 95% of how we live is driven by the unconscious. We have deeply buried beliefs, suppressed emotions and a plethora of memories all stored in our unconscious self that can block us from living a meaningful, healthy, successful and happy life.
If these painful beliefs, emotions and memories are buried and stored deeply within our unconscious self, we cannot solve the problem by dealing with the conscious mind. We must go deeper. The modalities utilized in sessions are able to access these parts of who we are. Then healing begins, whether its a physical issue, emotional, mental/belief, unconscious or soul level. Together we uncover the invisible underlying patterns of that painful issue and release it for a new and better way of being.
Modalities that are utilized in sessions are Family Constellation, Inner Child Work, NSEV Healing (Non Somatic Extraordinary Vessels), APN (Applied Psychoneurobiology), Energy Healing, a form of ART (Autonomic Response Testing)(kinesiology), Guided Imagery, Active Imagination and Diaphragmatic Breathing.
Your safe healing space is here.
As soon as you enter through the door you step into a safe healing space where you are accepted and welcomed exactly as you are. As you relax into the comforting space, together we uncover your authentic happiness, health and journey on your self discovery.
You can invest in one session or invest in a package of sessions or a program.
If for any reason you are not able to have a session in person due to geographical distance, being bedridden or simply wanting to stay in the comfort of your home, distant sessions are available with the same effect and transformational benefits.
These sessions are good for women and men, children and adolescence, couples and are safe for women that are pregnant. Sessions can enhance and are also complimentary with other forms of care and treatment. These sessions are not a repacement for any medical care and/or treatment of any kind.